Here's a free RPG that a friend and I originally wrote over 31 years ago. This version has been updated to include "modern" game features like an abusive license and a bunch of new settings to play it in!
Tunnels and Trolls
Tunnels and Trolls is a simple, fun, no muss-no fuss RPG that I love to both run and play.
I've also enjoyed playing Traveller since it came out in 1977. My family and I playtested the new rules from Mongoose Publishing. We play a game that is a mix of Mongoose Traveller (MGT) and "Classic Traveller" (CT). Among the wonderful resources I employ for our game are the wonderful Classic Traveller and JTAS CD-ROMs available from Traveller's original designer, Marc Miller, through Far Future Enterprises.
I'm also a beta tester for Traveller 5.
I'm running a Traveller campaign now, and will soon be adding a full Traveller section to this site.
Need orbital period tables for your Traveller game in the meanwhile?
Original D&D:
I've been playing D&D since the original game came out. In the OD&D section I've posted some of my stuff from years past. There's an old character sheet from the early days, my house rules, and character sheets for various classes.