The good old Atari 2600. Is there anything it can't do? What's not to love? Except maybe for the frickin' BAT!
When Vic Maris announced to the Yahoo! StellarVue Group that the StellarVue website had been updated, folks started checking it out right away. Most people reported the new site looked fine, or pointed out some minor error that Vic got fixed quickly.
But then a few negative reports started coming in:
"My Commodore 64 is having all kinds of trouble!"
"LOL!!!! You should have kept the Commodore Pet."
"My Heathkit has trouble with it too."
"My VIC 20 is having trouble also!!"
So I took a look with my own classic system, then posted the results:
I don't know why all those Commodore people are having so much trouble with the new site. It looks just fine on my Atari 2600:
Yeah, there aren't that many colors to be seen in Web Surfer, and the resolution is low, but my Atari does what counts. You can see the menu that lets you pick the links on the page, nothing is more than a move of the joystick and a fire button away.
If you really want to get into it, plug in the Atari Keyboard and start typing in URLs directly!